Our Skipper, Tim Weber, has a long history in the Scouts and on the water.

In his youth, he was a Cub Scout, a 1st Class Boy Scout, and an Eagle Patrol Leader. He started boating at the age of 6 and was at the helm of his Father’s boat by age 8.

As an adult, he has been involved in Scouting for 35 years as a Tiger Cub Leader, a Den Leader, a Webelos Leader, an Assistant Pack Leader, A Troop Committee Member, A Venturing Crew Advisor, and is currently a Sea Scout Skipper for both Alpha and Bravo crews of Ship 717 and Vice Commodore for Area 6, Central Region.

As a Scouting Adult Leader, he has earned many awards including:

  • Service to Boys
  • Meritorious Service
  • District Award of Merit
  • Sea Scout Leader’s Training Award
  • Skipper’s Key
  • Silver Beaver Award
  • William D. Boyce New Unit Organizer Award
  • Sea Badge
  • Sea Badge Staff
  • Christopher Gist Award

He is also Flotilla Commander 5-5 of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Executive Secretary for America’s Boating Club Division 24 Cincinnati, and a 20 year member of the Rocky Fork Sailing Club.